Allied Health

Allied Health

Occupational Therapy

Our occupational therapists are qualified health professionals who work with people of all ages experiencing muscular or neural limitations affecting different aspects of their life.

We can provide professional assessment reports to a variety of partners including NDIS, NIISQ,  WorkCover and the Department of Veteran Affairs. We can also make recommendations and prescriptions for appropriate equipment and assistive technologies to improve your life and provide you with greater independence. 

If you require modifications to your home or workplace, our therapists will visit the location, interview you, your family, work colleagues, and social supports to determine what those modifications should be. The review will take into consideration the existing environment and how this can be best adapted to allow you to live or work with greater ease.

MOllii Exopulse Suit

The MOllii Exopulse Suit is an assistive technology with a unique application for people with spasticity, motor impairment, increased or decreased muscular tension, mobility issues and muscular pain. 

Supportivity is the only licensed provider for MOllii suits in South East Queensland.

MOllii may also help with improving balance when upright as well as improving a user’s range of motion. It can be used by people who have:

  • Stroke
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Spinal injuries
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Other neurological injuries
  • Fatigue
  • Issues sleeping
  • Chronic pain
  • Parkinsons
  • Multiple Sclerosis

MOllii is a functional garment consisting of a pair of pants, a jacket and a computer-controlled unit which sends electrical signals to the muscles via electrodes in the garment. The suit is programmed via the control unit by the therapist to target “problem areas” of a client’s body.  A low-level current, targets the muscles that have movement problems or stiffness so that the “problem” muscles can relax and move more freely or be stimulated to help the user obtain greater range in their movement.

Treatment using MOllii may aid with: 

  • Relieving pain associated with any mobility issues resulting from above listed conditions
  • Improving the user’s range of motions previously limited by mobility issues resulting from above listed conditions
  • Improving memory
  • Relieving tiredness and fatigue
  • Improving sleep patterns
  • Maintaining or increasing range of motion
  • Relaxation of spastic muscles
  • Activation or re-education of muscles
  • Increasing local blood circulation

Cold Laser Treatment

Laser therapy uses cold light to penetrate deep into the muscle tissue to promote stimulation of the body’s own healing mechanisms. This process increases metabolism at the cellular level, which accelerates cell repair, increases blood flow and stimulates the immune and lymphatic systems.

Cold laser therapy is used in a variety of ways by doctors, dentists and other allied health professionals. Our therapists are trained in the use of cold laser therapy. 

The main use of cold laser therapy is to provide relief from pain and reduce inflammation. Treatment takes about 30 minutes per session and to be effective, should be applied two or more times per week.

Cold laser therapy is used for:

  • Pain management and minimisation or relief from pain that may be caused by:
  • Ligament sprains, muscle strains, tendonitis, bursitis, tennis elbow, neck pain, lower back pain, knee pain, pain associated with muscle spasms.
  • Fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Reduction in inflammatory responses such as rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic autoimmune diseases. 
  • Skin rejuvenation in the treatment of acne and acne scars, psoriasis, burns, vitiligo, edema or swelling of the skin, dermatitis and rashes.
  • Wound and ulcer repair including wounds related to diabetes.
  • Recovery from other sports injuries and rehabilitation.

For benefits to be evident, several treatment sessions will need to be undertaken.

How do I Access Allied Health Services?

You can access our services through any of the following:

  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
  • Health plan from your general practitioner (GP)
  • Private health insurance
  • Medicare
  • Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)
  • Workcover

For more information, click on the link below to make an enquiry or give us a call on 0477 511 220